My Holiday Gift to You: The Funniest VC Video Ever

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We may not know each other, but that doesn’t mean I can’t give you a meaningful holiday gift.  I recently got an email from a high-ranking official in Nigeria offering to reward me with a huge amount of money if I just sent a few dollars to help someone wrongly accused get out of jail.  I then got a similar email from a Ugandan prince.  People are so giving this time of year.

So from my family to yours and without further ado, here’s Gary the Snoman!

My favorite line (although there are a lot to choose from): “Tell them we’re somewhat interested, but need to know who else is interested before we know if we’re really interested.”

So good.

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  • Red Russak

    haha…great gift! You should get together with your team and make a JibJab holiday card – Would make for an entertaining piece ;-)